Energy and Gremlins! Sounds spooky? Let me explain… 

Just a brief background, in the Core-Energy™ coaching model, we look at 7 levels of energy through an assessment called the Energy Leadership Index. This is a powerful assessment in that it reveals where you are showing up energetically in your life normally, and what happens when you are triggered by stress. 

But, to keep is simple for this topic, suffice it to say there are 2 levels of “Catabolic” or restrictive and draining energy – this is the type of energy that shows up as everything from wanting to give up, being depressed, feelings of hopelessness and lack of choice, being fearful, victim thinking, feeling stuck, to becoming very angry, resisting and lashing out at a situation. Everyone experiences these types of energy from time to time, but many of us can really get stuck there. 

When this happens, we can dig a little deeper to see what is at the root cause by finding our “Gremlins”. These are the self-sabotaging small voices in our head that constantly tell us that we can’t really achieve that goal, and they may sound like, “I’m not worthy, I doubt my abilities, what will people think of me if I follow my dream, I don’t deserve it, why me”…etc. 

The gifts and processes of recognizing our energy around change or goals, and the Gremlins that might be keeping us from success, are that you are able to shift to a more “Anabolic” energetic state, where things become possible, creativity is awakened, opportunities and solutions are easier to see, growth, resilience and persistence can be your way of being…no longer are you being driven by forces unknown or unacknowledged. You become UNSTUCK!!